The preclinical imaging facilities at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging include state of the art 4.7 Tesla PET-MRI, 9.4 Tesla MRI, 14.1 Tesla MRI/MRS, micro-PET/CT, and optical imaging scanners. We offer a wide variety of preclinical imaging services and training courses to help you with your imaging needs. Our expert staff can help implement the most sophisticated and cutting edge imaging methods currently available.


4.7 Tesla PET-MRI

Bruker Avance Neo MRI scanner with PET insert for simultaneous PET-MR imaging.

9.4 Tesla MRI

Bruker Avance Neo MRI scanner with ultra high gradient field strength capability (1500 mT/m).

14.1 Tesla MRI/MRS – Vertical Bore

Bruker Avance III HD MR scanner for ultra high-resolution imaging and MR spectroscopy.

14.1 Tesla MRI – Horizontal Bore

Bruker Avance Neo MR scanner.

micro-PET/CT scanner

Bruker Skyscan 1176 CT scanner with Sedecal PET scanner.

Optical Imaging

IVIS Spectrum.


For a detailed list of the scanner charges and available imaging services.
For a detailed list of the steps to get started imaging at the Martinos Center.
For more information or to schedule a tour of the preclinical imaging facility.